Unlock the Power of ESDM

Create meaningful connections that enhance social engagement for young autistic children

If you're committed to helping young autistic children in their growth, communication, and social connections, brace yourself for a journey that will reshape your professional approach. The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) intervention is pivotal in fostering meaningful connections and maximizing developmental progress. This one-hour course will help you learn about specific strategies within the ESDM framework that effectively increase social attention and motivation for young autistic children. NOTE. This training is for informational purposes; it does not provide formal training or lead to certification in the ESDM.

Formal Training

ESDM Advanced Workshops

The goal of the ESDM Advanced Workshop is to enhance the delivery of early intervention services to young children with ASD through high implementation of the ESDM. This workshop is available through SAGE Learning Systems and is offered either in person, or through video conferencing technology (i.e., Zoom). We regularly offer ESDM Advanced workshops throughout the year. Click on the button below to learn more and register.

What You'll Learn

After completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Participants will recognize the differences in social attention and motivation commonly observed in children with autism

  • Participants will identify strategies to increase social attention and motivation to enhance social engagement

  • Participants will learn how to embed learner goals and learning objectives to maximize learning opportunities

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • ESDM and Social Engagement Course Overview

    • About Your Instructor

    • Course Syllabus

  2. 2
    • 1.0 Differences in Social Attention & Motivation

    • 1.1 What Does the Research Say?

    • 1.2 Video Review Activity

  3. 3
    • 2.0 How Do ESDM Strategies Support Social Engagement?

    • 2.1 Obtaining the Child’s Attention

    • 2.2 Having Fun Together!

    • 2.3 Supporting Back-and-Forth Interactions

    • 2.4 Imitating Child Actions

  4. 4
    • 3.0 The Importance of Embedding Learning Opportunities

    • 3.1 The Effectiveness of Bundling Related Learning Objectives

    • 3.2 Creating Teaching Plans to Embed Goals and Objectives

  5. 5
    • 4.0 That's a Wrap!

    • ESDM Formal Training Information

  6. 6
    • Course Completion Quiz

    • Course Survey

    • Access the Certificate

    • Review the Course

Continuing Education

1 CEU (general learning) for Professional Development

SAGE Learning Systems is an approved continuing education provider for the BACB, QABA, and IBAO. If you do not need continuing education credits, you will still receive a certificate of completion upon successfully completing the ESDM Advanced Workshop supplemental modules.

Elevate Your Expertise

Learn strategies to support social attention and motivation.

  • Expert-Led Learning: Benefit from insights shared by ESDM certified trainers who specialize in the Early Start Denver Model

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Learn how to use ESDM strategies to enhance social attention and motivation for young autistic children

  • Practical Application: Gain actionable insights and strategies to implement immediately in your work

  • Instructional Videos: Access a variety of videos showcasing ESDM strategies and intervention

  • Flexible Learning: Supplemental modules are tailored to enable learning at your own pace, providing additional support for the workshop

  • Certificate of Completion: Complete the supplemental course modules and earn CEUs